Invited Papers
Web-scale discovery: Utopian dream or dystopian nightmare (or maybe something in between)?, Will Breitbach
Valuing our Colleagues, Valuing Diversity: Addressing Microaggressions in Academic Libraries, Cynthia Mari Orozco
Shifting from “stuff” to students: Moving toward constructivism using the ACRL Framework, Allison Carr & Talitha Matlin
Contributed Papers
Finding Our Value in Lower Usage Numbers: An Examination of Reference Services & Demand Driven Acquisitions, Elizabeth S. Namei & Stacy R. Williams
Demonstrating the Academic Library’s Value through Research Data Management Services, Kathryn M. Houk, Jordan Nielsen, & Jenny Wong-Welch
Student Persistence: How the Library Makes a Difference, Wil Weston
Following the Evidence: Using Assessment to Inform Online Instruction and Demonstrate Library Value Across Campus, Tricia Lantzy
Value in Digital Humanities: Assessing Student Learning from Library Internships, Sarah Fay Philips & Carly Marino
The Library and Student Affairs: Partnerships to Achieve Student Success, Janet Pinkley & Kaela Casey
Faculty, Students, and Perceptions of Library Value, Ann Agee & Bernd Becker
Who’s the BOSS: Building Joint Value into a Student Advisory Board, Dani Cook
Business Librarianship (Em)powered: Valuing Critical Information Literacy over Profit, Kenny Garcia
That Isn’t Me: Self Identity and Keyword Choice, Maryann Hight
Reframing the Narrative: Librarians as Innovators in the Past and Present, Daniel S. Ransom
Understanding the Archives: Experiences of Librarians and Archivists, Diana Wakimoto
Assessment in Action Program: Four Perspectives in its Value to Librarians, Institutions and Students, Sharon Radcliff, Stephanie Alexander, Gina Kessler Lee, & Sara Davidson Squibb
How Do We Advocate for Underrepresented Students?: A Panel on How Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice Value the Student Experience, Anthony Sanchez, Lua Gregory, Talitha Matlin
Best Practice
Demonstrating the Value of Critical Information Literacy: One Library’s Online Critical Information Literacy Laboratory, Gina Schlesselman-Tarango
IG Showcases
DIAL: Black Lives Matter: How Librarians Can Serve As Allies (Program), Melina Abdullah, Ken Lyons, Safiya Noble, Gayatri Singh
SCIL: Critical Pedagogy & Social Justice, Gina Schlesselman-Tarango
Going Green Together: Promoting Sustainability and Campus Collaborations (Abstract and Brochure), Gayatri Singh, Rachel Myers, Kim Kane, Heather Hayashi
My Library: Demonstrating Library Value While Building Confident Developmental English Library Users (Abstract), Ellen Carey, Elizabeth Bowman
Guide to the Library: Student Created Infographics (Abstract), Claire Sharifi
“I’ll be your mirror”: Using a “critical friend” group to critically reflect on our teaching, Allison Carr, Torie Quinonez
Cultivating Value by Facilitating Discovery (Abstract), David Drexler & George Wrenn
Cinderella Ain’t Got Nothing on Us: Teaching Faculty Microagressions towards Librarians (Abstract), Ahmed Alwan, Joy Doan
Student Leadership at the Reference Desk: Overcoming Obstacles to Student Success (Abstract), Juliana Morley, Stacie Schmidt
Inspired by the Framework: A New Information Literacy Test (Abstract), April Cunningham
Cataloging is Beautiful (Abstract), Jane Rosario, Jean M. Dickinson
The Value of Libraries: Outreaching to our Child Development Center (Abstract), Sally Romero
Space Invaders: Measuring Use and Satisfaction through Mixed Methods, Nataly Blas, Denise Blanchet, Jennifer Masunaga
Valuing People, Valuing Spaces: Connecting with Community (Abstract), Kevin Ross, Carolyn Radcliff
Introducing CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments): Extending Librarian’s Value in a Virtual Community of Practice (Abstract), Lindsey McLean, Susan [Garder] Archambault
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