Keynote Speaker
Safiya Umoja Noble, PhD
Department of Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
Professor Noble conducts research in socio-cultural informatics; including feminist, historical and political-economic perspectives on computing platforms and software in the public interest. Her research is at the intersection of transnational culture and technology in the design and use of applications on the Internet. She is currently writing a book about Google and information bias (forthcoming on NYU Press).
Invited Speaker
Cynthia Mari Orozco
Student Services Librarian
California State University, Long Beach
Cynthia is the creator of and currently moderates LIS Microaggressions, an online space for those working in libraries, archives, and other information professions to share their experiences with various forms of microaggressions in the profession. Cynthia received her MLIS from San José State University in 2011. She is a 2011 ARL Career Enhancement Program Fellow, participant in the 2014 Minnesota Institute for Early Career Librarians, and 2015 ALA Emerging Leader.
Invited Speaker
William Breitbach
Dean, Library Services and Educational Technology
Shasta College
Will is Dean of Library Services and Educational Technology at Shasta College where he works with a fabulous team of faculty and staff to ensure students are able to meet their educational goals. He enjoys using technology to enhance teaching and learning and his research centers on ways to use technology to improve library services. Before his move to Shasta College, he received an MA in Political Science from CSU Los Angeles, his MLIS from UCLA, and worked as CSU Fullerton’s Pollak Library’s Information and Instruction Services Unit Head.